How Not to be Miserable

As a pastor and spiritual leader, I meet a lot of people.   Most people are stressed out and fed up. Life’s hard and it can feel impossible to know how to live when stress and pressure pile up. The Bible has a lot to say about how to live life. The basic message: ‘Keep the […]

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You’re Gonna Make It

Have you ever heard the phrase “Fake it ‘til you make it!” thrown around? It basically means that if you optimistically exude confidence and knowledge or expertise, eventually one day you’ll see those qualities take shape in your real life. This applies to how you dress, how you act at school, or how you make […]

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When Tragedy Strikes

Life can sometimes seem quite vicious. I was twenty years old when my mother was diagnosed with cancer, and I still remember seeing my dad cry for the first time when he received that shocking news. Even though I’m a pastor and I’ve “been around the block a few times,” it’s difficult for me to […]

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You’re Doing Better than You Think

Hey there, friend. I have something I want to tell you… You’re doing better than you think you are. I know that’s hard to believe, but I promise it’s true. You’ve come so far since the day you started this journey, and I know you don’t feel like it—but trust me: You’ve come a long […]

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“Do I Have to Tithe?”

“Do I have to tithe?” I get asked this question all the time. I always wonder what the question behind the question is here….. “Do I have to tithe?”….to do what exactly? To go to heaven? To be blessed financially? To stay on God’s good side? Well, my answer to this question may surprise you. […]

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