Getting Real About Jesus And Our Messy Lives

Join Daniel Fusco on a wild, grace-filled journey through the book of Ephesians. He’ll unpack what happens when the craziness of life meets the presence of God ― and something beautiful is created. Honestly.

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I love how real and authentic Daniel is. His heart is so open and his way of communicating is totally disarming, all the while addressing profound and necessary spiritual truths and encouraging you to dive deeper and deeper into Jesus. 

– Jeremy Camp, Songwriter and recording artist

Daniel Fusco takes dead aim on cliche Christianity, without creating any of the collateral damage of cynicism that so ofer accompanies our well-intentioned attempts to challenge an unexamined faith. Honestly is honest, humorous, and always challenging, I recommend it. 

– Larry Osborne, Author and pastor, North Coast Church, California

Sometimes when I am fast-forwarding through a commercial break while watching a TV show that’s recorded on my DVR, something catches my eye that makes me stop, rewind, and actually watch an ad or a movie trailer. That is how I see this book by my friend, Daniel Fusco: In a sea of regularly scheduled static, the words on these pages are disruptive and worth pausing for. He is willing to “go there”, and you will be glad to let him take you – not to merely pay lop service to the great ache of our hearts or to put a Bandaid on a bullet hole, but because acknowledging the elephant in the room that is our messiness allows Jesus to deal with it. This is a book that needed to be written, needs to be read, and must be allowed to read you – honestly. 

– Levi Lusko, Pastor of Fresh Life Church, Montana, and author of Through the Eyes of a Lion