The Problem with Patience

I’ve been a pastor for a long time, and I’ve met a lot of people. But, I’ve never met anyone who says they’re good at being patient. Right? All it takes is a quick look…anywhere…to see our culture of impatience in action. A quick look, because we’re all so impatient! We hear the words “instant […]

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Prodigal Sons and Daughters

Sooner or later, we all get a little jacked up. Can you remember a time you chose to do something that seemed like a good idea at the time…but had really terrible results? It happened in one of the most famous stories in the Bible: The Prodigal Son. We’ve all heard it, and we can […]

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Planks and Sawdust

Have you spent much time in the comments section on social media lately? One word: YIKES. Our world has spiraled down into a nightmare where everyone is judge and jury over everything! Comments can range from overly negative to downright cruel and obscene. The fact is: our world has become judgmental. And the church isn’t […]

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When We Question God

If you think back to high school, I bet you can remember sharing a class with that one kid who knew it all. Every time the teacher asked a question, they blurted out the answer. Or maybe it’s at work. Your boss says something, and that one person always jumps in and makes sure everyone […]

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Yard Work

Here in the state of Washington where I live, we are blessed with incredible seasons. Our fall colors become bare winter branches, and in the spring, things bloom and start to grow, giving way to long stretches of (mostly) rain-free, absolutely amazing summers. I do a lot of work in the yard. I wouldn’t say […]

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