How Do I Make Decisions?

All of us have decisions to make. They might be minor decisions. Decisions like, “What do I want to eat tonight?” (I’m gonna make this real easy for you. Tacos. You want tacos. We all want tacos. Okay…maybe I just want tacos. Well, that’s one decision taken care of.) But, as much as I hate to […]

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Let’s Do This

Humans have accomplished some pretty impressive things. We’ve put men on the moon. We’ve built civilizations across the entire globe. Every year our technology increases and advances. But y’know what? For all those accomplishments, we get a lot of things wrong. You’ve probably noticed. Humans have many skills, but one of our best is missing […]

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You Can Stand in the Gap

Do you have one of those friends who just has your back? Isn’t that the best feeling? I’ve lost count of how many good men and women of God have come alongside me. When I look back on the friends who had my back. It wasn’t the people who made big dramatic gestures of friendship. […]

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How To Tell Your Story

Humans love a good story. It’s one of the really beautiful things that brings us together. If you’ve ever been in a crowded movie theater (remember those?), enjoyed a good book, or sat with your grandparents, you know what I mean. We love hearing a good story. In the last ten years, we’ve seen a […]

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Do You Know His Name?

If you’ve been around here for a while, you might have noticed, I talk about God a lot. Constantly and unapologetically. Lots of people all over the world use the word “god,” and they mean a lot of different things by it. So who am I talking about when I talk about “God”? Well I’m […]

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