How are You at Handling Inconvenience?

“People are a lot like teabags.  You don’t really know what they’re made of until you put them in hot water.” -Irish proverb I love this quote!  I heard it in a sermon once and it really stuck with me.  It’s so true, isn’t it?  We learn the most about who we are when times […]

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As A Christian, is it OK to Hate?

We live in a world that loves to hate. Yes, you read that right…loves to hate. Just spend 3 minutes on social media and you’ll see it! This political group hates the other one. This age group hates the other one (“okay, Boomer”). This fan base hates the other one…etcetera, etcetera, ad nauseam. Now, you […]

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Watch Out: The Battle for Your Mind 👀

What are you thinking about right now? I know, you’re reading this blog, but before you started reading, what was the last thought that was on your mind? Maybe you were thinking about a movie you saw, or about a bill that needs to be paid, perhaps a memory from your childhood, or a restaurant […]

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3 Keys to Financial Freedom

MONEY.  Even the mention of the word can cause a gut reaction.  Maybe you feel anxiety at the mention of the word.  Or you feel dread because growing up your parents’ fights were usually about money.  Or maybe what you feel most is shame, because of mistakes you’ve made in managing your finances.   The truth […]

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1 Thing Happy People Do Daily

“Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns; I am thankful that thorns have roses.” -Alphonse Karr Hey everybody!  I have a question for you:  Do you know someone who seems genuinely happy?…someone who’s going through life with a super positive outlook and just a happy, joyful vibe?  I love people like that!  It’s […]

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