How are You at Handling Inconvenience?

“People are a lot like teabags.  You don’t really know what they’re made of until you put them in hot water.” -Irish proverb

I love this quote!  I heard it in a sermon once and it really stuck with me.  It’s so true, isn’t it?  We learn the most about who we are when times are tough, not when life is easy.  

Who are you when you’re inconvenienced?

  • When you’re late for a meeting and stuck behind a slow driver…
  • When your server at a restaurant is struggling and messes up your order…
  • When your flight gets delayed and you miss your connection…

Even writing about these types of situations makes my blood pressure rise a bit!  I don’t like being inconvenienced, and I bet you don’t either.  But these are the moments that show us where we’re at on our journey toward spiritual maturity.  

A Pastor friend of mine shared a story with me about a time he was inconvenienced.  He was on his way to an appointment and he witnessed a man on a bike crash on the side of the road.  He felt the Lord nudge him to stop and check on the rider.  

“But Lord, I’ll be late for my next ministry appointment!” He argued.   

“Mark,” he heard the Lord reply, “this IS your next ministry appointment!”  

What if we decided to use these types of moments as opportunities instead of inconveniences?   

  • When you’re stuck in traffic, pray or play some worship music to get your mind right.
  • When the server messes up, use it as an opportunity to show grace and kindness to someone who probably gets very little of either.
  • When the flight is delayed use it as a chance to call an old friend or get caught up on Bible reading.  

“Blessed are the flexible.” Ok, I’m pretty sure that’s not in the Bible but it’s very true!  

We see in scripture moments where Jesus appears to be inconvenienced.  At the height of his ministry, large crowds would follow him and make demands on his time and energy (yes, even Jesus had limits on His energy).  So how do we see Jesus responding?  He made sure He was making time to be alone with God the Father, and He encouraged His disciples to do the same.

In a particularly busy season of ministry, the disciples were so overwhelmed with the multitudes that they didn’t even have time to eat! (the ultimate inconvenience, am I right?)  Jesus encourages them to get away for a bit.  Mark 6:31 says “And He said to them, ‘Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest awhile.’ For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.” 

Luke 5:16 sums it up best, “So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed.” 

What we never see in scripture, is Jesus losing His patience or becoming angry and overwhelmed due to inconvenience.  Jesus included finding moments of quiet a part of the rhythm of His life, and we need to do the same. 

The way I deal with inconveniences in my life so that God is honored will largely depend on how often I’m choosing to unplug and pray, in order to focus on what God wants to do in my heart. 

So the next time you are inconvenienced, I want you to look at it as an opportunity.  Take a deep breath and then figure out a way to redeem that moment and use it for good.  Move through those opportunities with a calm spirit and peaceful countenance.  Let those around you see how to handle a tough situation in a way that reflects a heart for God and His Spirit.