Can You Really Change…for the Better? ⭐️

There’s a reason that the bookshelves, tablets, and playlists of modern Americans are stocked with Self-Help. Every year the next YouTube video, podcast, or good-old-fashioned books tells us how to fix our lives. And every year, we buy them. Why? Because all self-help is based on the same, basic principle: we need help. At the […]

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How You Can Embrace Simplicity AND Satisfaction

When was the last time you went head-to-head with something that was just too complicated? Maybe it was at Christmas, when you watched your child open that toy with “some assembly required.” Maybe it was your introduction to the wonderful world of video chat programs, during this COVID-19 pandemic. I know for me, as a […]

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Where is God in Your Grief?

I want to talk to you all today about something none of us really like to talk (or even think!) about…All of us at some point will experience grief. I’m not trying to be a downer, but it’s just an inevitable reality of life. I’ve totally been there. One of the most painful things I’ve […]

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Can I Be A Christian If…?

As a pastor, I hear this question all the time: “Can I be a Christian if…?” That sentence has been finished with any number of lifestyle choices. I’ve heard this question used to justify drug use, affairs and a host of other decisions. The real question being asked here is, “Can I be a Christian […]

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Do You Feel Forgotten?

There’s nothing quite like being heard and understood, right? We love those conversations that refresh us and make us feel known. (I hate to be mushy, but this is just universal FACT). On the other hand, there are few things more frustrating than a conversation where we don’t feel heard. When we feel like a […]

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