8 Reasons Why You Need to Recover

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. – Matthew 11:28


If there’s one thing I’ve learned in 20+ years of pastoring (and there’s way more than one!), it’s the importance of REST and RECOVERY.

Here are 8 thoughts on the importance of recovery:


The number of pastors and fellow Christians who have failed to go the distance with their faith in my 20+ years of pastoring is literally innumerable. Tragically, I’ve witnessed so many people wear out in ministry to the point of quitting altogether. Sometimes they just quit the ministry, but sometimes they even quit their faith altogether.

In life, and especially in ministry, you have to recover well or you’ll burn out.

All the best athletes have a detailed, thoughtful recovery plan. In order to thrive in life, and be in ministry for the long haul, you need an actual plan for recovery.

You need healthy recovery methods or you’ll develop unhealthy ones. For me, it’s playing music and spending time with my family. Find what recharges your batteries in a healthy way, and then make time for it each week.

No one is going to create margin in your schedule for recovery. You have to do that for yourself and then set up boundaries to protect it.

A big part of recovery is embracing vulnerability. Be honest with yourself and others about your limitations and your weaknesses. Invite accountability from a trusted friend to keep you on track with your recovery plan.

So often, it’s the sin of self-sufficiency that prevents you from admitting or even realizing your need for recovery. It’s easy to take pride in your ability to constantly work or serve. But pride in your work ethic is unhealthy….it’s sin. 

Recovery should be built into your daily, weekly,  and yearly schedule.


  1. What are some healthy recovery methods for you?
  2. If you keep going at the pace you’re at now, will you be ok 10 years from now? What about 20?
  3. If you asked your family, would they say that you know how to recover well? 

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