What Does God Think About the Economy? đź’µ

Have you ever stared at something upside-down for so long that it started to look right-side-up? You may have heard of the famous experiment of a man named George Stratton. He wore glasses that projected an upside-down image of the world for eight days. This might sound like an impossible task, but he discovered just […]

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So You Got Offended?

We all know the feeling. It’s that comment that nags in the back of our brain. It’s that conversation that sits like sandpaper under our skin. It’s that argument that we’ve had with a loved one…in our heads…several times…while we pace the bathroom floor. (Let’s be real, that’s the only place we can have some […]

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True Love = Sacrifice

Let’s be real –– we’re living in some crazy times, aren’t we? And times like these lead to big questions, and I’ve been asking a few lately. What does the church look like in a season of social distancing? What is my role, as an individual and as a leader in times like this? How can […]

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What Habits Are You Growing?

If you could drop one bad habit today, what would it be? Think about it for a second. If you could just snap your fingers and—BOOM—make a bad habit disappear, what would you get rid of? Maybe we’d get rid of a nervous habit, like cracking our knuckles or biting our nails. Maybe we’d drop […]

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Find Courage for Your Life Today

Let’s be real –– these are discouraging times, right? All around us, things feel like they’re shifting and changing, like  nothing is “normal.” And you might find yourself asking, “God, where are you in the midst of this mess?” Let me tell you something: discouragement is real. But Jesus is even more real, and he loves […]

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