“When our church was going through a really difficult time, Pastor Daniel became my online pastor.”
We met Rose and Adolfo last Sunday at Crossroads Community Church in Vancouver, Washington, but they’ve been active members of our online campus for more than two years. During one of Adolfo’s trips to Oregon for work, the couple managed to drive north to our campus and spent part of the day with us.
Several years ago, Rose discovered our content online (when a friend of hers shared a Two Minute Message on Facebook). Soon, she and Adolfo were viewing our videos regularly, as well as attending their home church in Salt Lake City, Utah.
When tragedy struck the family of Rose and Adolfo’s pastor, he stepped away from ministry for several months, and their church began to disintegrate. So Pastor Daniel become their primary pastor and teacher. “All the different content, the radio show, the videos – they were like nuggets from heaven, like the encouragement we needed to hang in there and see what God was up to.”
And God started to do incredible things in their lives!! For a long time, Rose and Adolfo had known they were called to leadership in local ministry but didn’t know what shape that calling would take in their lives. They began to receive new direction from the Lord, and the confirmation they’d been waiting came through Pastor Daniel’s teaching.
Rose took on the role of women’s ministry director at their church, and she and Adolfo became part of a work of healing God was doing in their congregation. Before the year was over, their pastor returned, and their church started thriving again.
Rose and Adolfo’s circumstances didn’t go the way they thought they should…but God did an amazing work of redemption through a messy situation they thought would never get resolved. And the suffering they endured taught them to trust God in a deeper way.
Check out this Two Minute Message about trusting God
“We’re so thankful our church is alive again!” Rose told us. “But we’ll still be involved in Pastor Daniel’s ministry online, absolutely. You guys are our family now, too.”
It’s a rare privilege for us to meet members of our online family of faith in person, and we were so thankful for the glimpse into how God is at work through Daniel Fusco Ministries in Rose and Adolfo’s lives….Rose and Adolfo (like so many of you who contact us!!) encourage us by sharing the things God is up to that we don’t even know about most of the time.
What we’re reminded of this week – and what we want to leave you with, too – is God is always up to something. And the work of God is always good for those who love him and follow him….because God’s name is on that promise, we can trust it’s as eternal as he is.
God is always up to something. Click To Tweet