“I know that my journey with Jesus is going to be amazing as long as I keep Him in the center of all I do!”
This is a time of year when we hear a lot about rejoicing, and peace on earth. A lot of us truly desire to embrace that peace. But real life doesn’t always go that way. Sometimes our circumstances are scary, and anxiety threatens our peace. Sometimes those moments of rejoicing are hard to find.
We talked with our friend Donita about anxiety this week. She’s been so stressed about life lately that she’s become a night owl… and she’s certainly had her reasons for not being able to sleep! Donita is a student and stay-at-home mom to her two kids, ages 2 and 4. That’s plenty to think about! But she also recently became a single parent when the children’s father left. Although she’s close to both of her parents, she isn’t able to depend on their help with childcare because they both work full time. She said, “I don’t have anyone to depend on to help me take care of my kids, and it’s causing me major anxiety!”
Donita had insomnia for many nights, worrying about where her life was headed. She began watching the Hillsong Channel one restless night. She said, “I was up, I couldn’t sleep, had major anxiety, and then Pastor Daniel came on. I got this sense of relief and peace as I was listening to him.” Donita knew that God was speaking to her through Pastor Daniel. The Lord was inviting her into a closer walk with him, to talk to Him, and to rely on Him.
Donita began to pray… not just for a way to provide for her children, but for wisdom about how to be a good mom. She gave her fears to God. In His word, Jesus invites us to do this very thing:
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:4-7)
Through her prayers, Donita began to find answers. She found a church to call home. God provided a great job for her, and He also answered the request that was perhaps closest to her heart—to find the right care for her children while she worked. She said, “I found a great daycare that I believe God had a hand on for my children. I say this because when I went to the daycare, the first thing that I saw was the teachers reading Scripture to the children. I felt an amazing sense of peace! That is how big my God is!”
“Through her prayers, Donita began to find answers.” Click To TweetHere at Daniel Fusco Ministries, we’re praying for Donita and others like her who need to experience the peace that’s possible through Jesus. Donita surrendered her life to the Lord and was able to rejoice in the midst of her struggle. She says, “I know that my journey with Jesus is going to be amazing as long as I keep Him in the center of all I do!”