Can you believe how God will use anything — even something like YouTube to reach those who are far from Him?! Â We absolutely love hearing stories of how God is reaching people through the Two Minute Messages online. We recently heard from a woman who emailed in about how she had come to rediscover her childhood faith in Jesus through our YouTube channel.
She grew up in a toxic family environment and was abused all her life. She felt confused about God’s plan, grace and purpose. She shared, “I felt rejected, unloved, and I was longing for a family.”
Now, we all come from different backgrounds, but we can all relate to that — feeling rejected, unloved — feeling like our past experiences are holding us back. The shame of this woman’s past was keeping her in bondage. She put it this way, “We are bound by our limited knowledge until someone who truly loves us breaks those chains.” You don’t know what you don’t know, but once you know, amazing things can happen.
Her desperate longing to be loved led her to marry a much older man. He abused her, and eventually she hit her lowest point. She was contemplating suicide when she found our ministry on YouTube.
All it took was bumping into the truth about Jesus.
She has realized that the satisfaction, love, and sense of wholeness she’s been longing for can only be found in one person…Jesus. Today she’s reading her Bible for the first time in decades and taking steps to transform her life! She told us she has a newfound passion for God and is seeking His will for her life, day by day.
“Please keep preaching on YouTube. I am listening and for once I feel edified and have a sense of direction.”
So there you go. We weren’t kidding when we said God will use any means necessary to draw us to himself, and we’re so absolutely blown away by the ways He’s using our online ministry as a bridge into the homes of people who might not ever hear about Jesus. Here’s the thing we are continually reminded of in this ministry: people may not want to go to church, but they do want Jesus — they just don’t know it yet! It’s not just Crossroads or DFM…it’s all of us! So when we do our part and simply share who Jesus is, when we share about Jesus in every way possible, there’s no way for us to know what God will do in a person’s heart!
And the same truth that’s changing lives (through crazy stuff like YouTube videos!) applies to us who are already followers of Jesus…
What are the chains Jesus is asking you to break that still have hold of your life today? It’s time to give those areas of your life to the Lord. Not only that, we all want to be taking the next steps of faith that Jesus has for us, so how is He leading you to help others find the freedom He offers?
Let’s make that happen, and change the world together in Jesus’ name. Partner with us to continue to see people rediscover their faith through YouTube, Two minute messages and the Real with Daniel Fusco TV Broadcast.Â