“My life was over as I knew it…”
Melissa had lost hope. She had suffered heartbreaking losses. Only a year and a half ago, she awoke one morning to find that her husband had passed away suddenly in his sleep.
Her husband’s best friend became a source of comfort to her. They grew close as they mourned their loss together, and eventually they fell in love and became engaged. On August 3rd, the unimaginable happened: Melissa’s fiance also passed away suddenly. She was devastated. Melissa said, “My life was over as I knew it… I didn’t know what was next.”
Although Melissa was raised Catholic, she wasn’t finding the comfort she needed at church and started searching for answers on the internet. As she surfed YouTube, the name “Daniel Fusco” popped up in one of her searches. “That was what first caught my eye,” she said, “because my brother’s brother-in-law’s name is Daniel Fusco… so I thought that was a sign from God for me to watch Daniel.”
She stayed on the channel long enough to find the “Oasis” sermon series on the book of Ruth. Melissa found herself identifying with the story of Ruth, who had also lost a husband and had so many things go wrong, but found hope in God’s perfect plan for her life. Melissa, too, began to find a new hope that God has a plan for her as well!
She called us recently to let us know that through Daniel’s messages, God’s Word is having an impact on her life. We were so privileged to pray with her, encourage her, and walk alongside her. “Maybe you’re reaching out for comfort, or searching for some kind of meaning behind your pain. Jesus is that comfort and meaning.” Click To Tweet
Perhaps, like Melissa, you too are in the midst of grief, and don’t yet see a way forward. Maybe you’re reaching out for comfort, or searching for some kind of meaning behind your pain…Jesus is that comfort and meaning.
In John 11, we see that He wept alongside His friends who had suffered the death of a loved one, and He still loves people at this level today. He is deeply concerned for your heart and is moved with compassion over your suffering. He invites you to come to Him today and find rest for your soul, so that you can move forward in hope and healing.
Find out why Death is Wrong in this Two Minute Message