“Your encouragement came at the exact perfect time…”
No matter how long you’ve walked with Jesus, now is always the perfect time to learn more about Him. No matter how mature you are in your faith, you will always need to feed your soul on the Word of God. Here at Daniel Fusco Ministries, we get the privilege of encouraging both new and mature believers alike.
We talked to a man named Chris the other day, a longtime follower of Jesus, who found us through Crossroads Community Church online. Chris has a big heart for helping others, and was looking for some encouragement himself. God has placed several people into Chris’s life who need to hear the good news of the Gospel, from new believers to his own close friend who’s an agnostic. They need to receive not just the hope that’s found in Jesus, but also to have a new direction for their lives, and Chris is actively working to share the love and hope of the Lord with the people who are already within his sphere of influence.
The Lord has built up Chris’s faith in numerous ways over the years, including through Pastor Daniel’s daily 2-Minute Messages and his book Upward, Inward, Outward: Love God, Love Yourself, Love Others.
“Chris has taken what he’s learning and translated it into action in his personal life and community.” Click To TweetChris has taken what he’s learning from all these resources and translated it into action in his personal life and community…He’s especially developed a passion for discipleship—helping others learn what God’s Word means. Chris could see that there were several teens in his life who needed direction, so he is now setting aside time to intentionally love, encourage, and teach them.
However, Chris wanted to take it a step further. He wanted to start a Bible study for new believers and invite his agnostic friend, but he was feeling a little unsure about it. When we called him recently, he knew it was confirmation from the Lord to start the Bible study that had been on his heart. He said, “Your encouragement came at the exact perfect time. I was feeling discouraged about whether I should do the study, and then you contacted me. This means so much to me. You have really blessed my heart!”
We love seeing the way Chris is turning his own discipleship into an opportunity to pour into other people with the love of God. His story reminded us so much of Jesus’s words to His first disciples in Matthew 4:19: “Come, follow me…and I will make you fishers of men.”