3 Ways to Tell Your Story

Shout the news of His victory from sea to sea.

Take the news of His glory to the lost, news of His wonders to one and all!

– Psalm 96:2-3 (MSG)


You have a story to tell. And the world around you needs to hear it.

When we follow Jesus, we are immediately called (and equipped!) to share how God is at work with those around us. It doesn’t have to be complicated or formal. We can simply share the ways in which God has worked in our own lives.


Here are three ways to begin sharing your faith with others:


• Invite others over for a meal or coffee. What better way to draw people in than with food? Sharing a meal together not only blesses others, but it creates an opportunity for conversations that you can’t have in the busyness of a workplace or a brief moment in passing at a grocery store. As you share your story over the table, you might inspire some thoughts or questions in others that will point them to their need for our Savior as well.


• Practice within your church community. Hopefully you’re part of a church family. If you aren’t, find one! (You can join us in-person on Sunday mornings at 9 AM or 11 AM (US Pacific Time) or online at live.crossroads church.net. As you get to know other people in your church through attending on the weekend or going to groups during the week, you’ll have opportunities to practice sharing your story with other believers. Not only does this help build confidence in the words you’re speaking, but it allows for other Christians to encourage you and speak truth into the story you’re telling others.


• Pray for the Holy Spirit’s daily prompting. The Holy Spirit is our constant guide to opening our eyes to see the lost. As we allow Him to speak into our hearts, we might begin to see hurting people all around us. It becomes simple to share our faith when we ask a person crying in a store or a restaurant if we can pray for them. It becomes simple when we see a person in need on the side of the road and choose to give up our time to give them a bag of food and have a conversation that helps them feel seen.

  1. Who needs to hear your story of faith?

2. How can you invite the “spiritually curious” into your world this week?