Let’s be real –– we’re living in some crazy times, aren’t we? And times like these lead to big questions, and I’ve been asking a few lately. What does the church look like in a season of social distancing? What is my role, as an individual and as a leader in times like this? How can we best care for the world right now? (Just to name a few).
Recently, I had the opportunity to attend a White House briefing for Faith Leaders. In these uncertain times, our leaders have entrusted us with the task of helping to spread the word. As a pastor, I take that task very seriously. Today I want to share a little bit of what we discussed in that briefing, and what it means for us as followers of Jesus.
As the Church, we want to be the ones setting the example when it comes to caring for our community and our world. In our present circumstances, that means giving things up. Naturally, that makes us uncomfortable. Few of us like to be told what to do, especially when it involves sacrifices. Many of us are struggling with the reality of social distancing and are resistant to the idea of staying home and staying safe.
In the White House briefing, they reminded us that social distancing is the best way to care for one another right now. This message is unpopular with many people, especially those who believe that this virus doesn’t pose much risk to them. Just because we “feel fine,” does not mean that we are fine. What they’ve discovered about this virus is that people who contract it can be asymptomatic (contagious without any symptoms) for up to two weeks. This means that even if we feel okay, we might be spreading the virus all over the place. They told us as faith leaders that the single greatest thing that anyone can do, is to keep physical distance.
That’s when the thought hit me: True Love = Sacrifice.
Rather than fighting the idea of social distancing, we need to be the ones leading the charge. We need to be the ones who are willing to sacrifice. This is the best way that we can show the love of Jesus to the vulnerable in our communities right now. Our world is full of people who are at risk for this virus, and social distancing is our way of helping to keep them safe.
While the idea of social distancing might be new, the idea of sacrificial love is not.
Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, did consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking on the form of a bondservant and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. (Philippians 2:5-8)
Right now, we are preparing for Easter, a time when we reflect on the Savior who sacrificed everything for us. Jesus stepped down to earth to heal us from sin, to save us from ourselves. In order to do this, He distanced Himself from His Heavenly dwelling, His naturally Divine form, and from His beloved Father. It is that kind of love which bought our salvation. It is that kind of love which conquers death. It is that kind of love which is our example.
In light of that love, what can we do but follow in His footsteps? In light of the Cross, is it really so much to ask that we sacrifice a few comforts? We are the children of God, bought at a price, and the world is watching. When they look at us, may they see the sacrificial love of Jesus.
Also, don’t forget: social distance does not equal social disengagement. Don’t forget to reach out to your friends and family members through digital platforms, encourage them, and keep sharing the love of Jesus!
Thanks for this Daniel. Love to you, Lynn, Obadiah, Maranatha, Annabelle & Molly. 🙂