Humans have accomplished some pretty impressive things. We’ve put men on the moon. We’ve built civilizations across the entire globe. Every year our technology increases and advances. But y’know what? For all those accomplishments, we get a lot of things wrong.
You’ve probably noticed.
Humans have many skills, but one of our best is missing the point. Now as a believer in Jesus, I believe that that’s because we live in a broken, sinful world. We’re born into sin, missing the point, and messing it up. That’s exactly why we need a Savior. That’s exactly why Jesus came to save us from ourselves.
Here’s the thing…even when we know Jesus, we still mess up. Raise your hand if you woke up perfect. (Yeah, me neither.) Even saved by Jesus and filled with his Holy Spirit, we make mistakes right and left. That’s why the Lord gave us his Holy Spirit. We have the presence of God dwelling within us, here to guide us.
Before Jesus went to the cross, he gave us a little insight on who the Holy Spirit is and how our relationship works. He is here to guide us (John 16:13), to teach us about Jesus (John 16:14), and to show us the truth (John 14:17).
Being a follower of Jesus doesn’t just mean we pray once and live our lives until Heaven. It means that we are now part of God’s kingdom. We’re called to build that kingdom, to invite others into it, and to live radical lives for the kingdom of God!
If you’re thinking that sounds like scary stuff, you’re right.
Being part of God’s kingdom is never something we take lightly. It’s a responsibility, and sometimes we don’t know how to live it out. So what do we do? How do we do it? And what if we risk great things for God and they fail? (Cause, let’s be real. Sometimes we mess up!)
This is something I always come back to: God work done God’s way will never lack God’s supply.
Let’s break that down. If you’re not sure about your life circumstances or what you’re supposed to do next, this is for you.
First, are you doing God’s work? Are you invested in your relationship with Jesus? Do you guys talk? Are you reading his Word? Are you loving the people around you? That’s what it means to be part of the kingdom of God.
Second, are you doing it God’s way? This one takes some sitting and thinking. Take a walk. Talk to Jesus. We always need the space to step back and ask if we’re doing things God’s way. You could be running a fairly successful ministry, but if that ministry isn’t operating in a way that isn’t godly, then we’re not building his kingdom. That might be something obvious, a blatant sin of some kind. But it can also be subtle. This world is full of ways to get ahead and live out our selfish ambition. That is not the way of Jesus. If we’re interested in God’s kingdom, we’re going to live as citizens of that kingdom, and do things his way.
If we are doing God’s work God’s way, our God is going to provide what we need. But it’s important to remember, that he knows best what we need. Sometimes as we’re working away for the kingdom, God hands us the best tool/opportunity/provision, and we’re like, “Nah, thanks. I’m good.”
So if you’re wondering what’s next in your life, ask yourself a few questions:
- Am I doing God’s work?
- Am I doing it his way?
- Is he providing for me, and I’m just missing it?
Brothers and sisters, God sees you. He sees your heart. He knows how hard you’re working. And when we are submitted to him, he’s going to take care of us. One of the things our God does flawlessly is to take us, imperfect humans, and build us into his beautiful kingdom. So let’s do it. Let’s build God’s kingdom together!
my experience was that i was wanting to quit my job about a year ago. I felt it was hard to do and i was so confused about what direction i needed to take to accomplish leaving and still feeling like i made the best choice for me. Up until recently it was all about what I WANTED not what God wanted for me. I started praying to ask God to show me the direction he wants for me. He gave me two opportunities. I looked at each opportunity and one was help a company build themselves and the other was helping people build their lives. i prayed again and really it was a no brainer. There was a question that came to me. I am i bearing good fruit in what i do. The answer was no. So decided service work was what God wants for me. I am a people person and i love helping people and that opportunity was just the thing God wanted me to realize. I am grateful and blessed and most of all its His choice for me not my own.