Balancing Your Life: Your Top 3 Priorities


Balancing Your Life: Your Top 3 Priorities


Okay. I know this isn’t always an easy topic (and let’s be honest—most of us avoid thinking about it), but here goes: priorities.

We all have a million things competing for our time. As many of us transition back into busy work schedules and packed calendars, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. We’re juggling family, careers, and all those healthy habits we swore we’d maintain after quarantine. (Remember those?)

Life is full of responsibilities—spiritual, social, and vocational—each pulling at us for attention. But not everything deserves equal weight. If we try to give every demand the same level of focus, we end up burnt out, scattered, and disconnected from what truly matters.

That’s why getting our priorities straight is crucial. When we align our lives with God’s priorities, we find balance, purpose, and peace.

Let’s break it down into the three priorities that should guide your life:

Priority #1: Seeking God First

As believers, God’s glory should always hold the top spot in our lives—no matter how chaotic things get. In a world where schedules constantly change and demands fluctuate, one thing remains firm: our need to prioritize God above all else.

Jesus spoke directly to this in Matthew 6:33 NKJV:

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

We often let stress and anxiety determine our priorities. Work deadlines, financial pressures, and personal struggles demand our focus, leaving spiritual matters on the back burner. But Jesus reminds us that when we seek Him first, everything else falls into place.

Why is this important? Because our spiritual health impacts every other area of life. Without a strong relationship with God, we lack the wisdom, patience, and grace needed to navigate the challenges of family, work, and relationships.

How to Put God First in Daily Life

  • Start your day with prayer and scripture. Before checking emails or social media, spend time with God.
  • Worship and fellowship. Make church, small groups, or Bible studies a priority.
  • Make decisions through a spiritual lens. Ask, Is this choice honoring God? Does it align with His Word?

When God is first, everything else falls into its proper place.

Priority #2: Family Comes Next

Right after God, your family should be your next priority—whether that means your spouse, children, parents, or the close-knit group of people God has placed in your life.

Here’s the thing: if you mix up Priority #1 and Priority #2, it leads to trouble.

Many people think they’re doing the best for their families by working longer hours, chasing financial success, or focusing on personal ambitions. But if God isn’t at the center of those decisions, they won’t truly benefit your family.

As we adjust to new seasons of life, it’s more important than ever to ensure that our families aren’t getting our leftovers. If we claim that our spouse or kids are a priority but never show up for them emotionally, spiritually, or physically, we’re sending mixed signals.

For me, as a follower of Christ, a husband, a father, and a pastor, I constantly evaluate my priorities to make sure they align with this biblical model:

  1. God comes first.
  2. My wife comes second.
  3. My children come third.
  4. My job and ministry come after.

Unfortunately, we live in a world that pushes careers and personal success to the top of the list. But that’s not how God designed us to live. The best way to bless our families isn’t to give them the most money or the best house—but to give them our time, attention, and love.


How to Prioritize Family

  • Be present. Put down your phone, turn off distractions, and focus on meaningful time together.
  • Communicate regularly. Set aside time for deep conversations with your spouse and kids.
  • Pray together. A family that prays together stays together.

When we keep God first and family second, it creates a foundation of love, peace, and stability.


Priority #3: Your Purpose and Calling

Here’s where we add the third priority—your purpose and calling.

God has uniquely gifted you with skills, passions, and opportunities to make an impact. Whether it’s through your job, ministry, or personal calling, your work matters—but only when it’s in its rightful place.

Many people either:
Over-prioritize work, letting it overshadow their faith and family.
Under-prioritize work, failing to see it as an opportunity to glorify God.

Both extremes are unhealthy.

The key is to view your career, ministry, and passions through the lens of your faith.

Colossians 3:23 NKJV reminds us:

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.”

Your job isn’t just about a paycheck. Your calling isn’t just about your personal goals. It’s about using your gifts to serve God and others.


How to Prioritize Your Purpose (Without Losing Balance)

  • Don’t let work steal time from God or family. Boundaries matter.
  • Align your job with your faith. Do your work with integrity, excellence, and purpose.
  • Be open to God’s direction. Your calling may evolve, and that’s okay. Stay sensitive to His leading.

When we place our work and calling behind God and family, we can pursue success without sacrificing what truly matters.


Final Thoughts: A Life in Balance

We all need a priority check from time to time. It’s easy to get caught up in the demands of life and let our focus shift away from what’s truly important.

But here’s the good news: God wants to realign our hearts and give us clarity.

If your priorities feel out of order, don’t be discouraged. Take time with the Lord, reflect, and reset. When we structure our lives around God’s priorities, we find peace, purpose, and fulfillment in every area of life.


The Right Order of Priorities:

1️⃣ God First – Seeking His kingdom above all else.
2️⃣ Family Second – Investing in relationships that matter most.
3️⃣ Purpose Third – Using our gifts to serve Him in the workplace and beyond.

When we keep these priorities in order, everything else falls into place.