Are You Living Out Loud?

“Your encouragement came at the exact perfect time…” No matter how long you’ve walked with Jesus, now is always the perfect time to learn more about Him. No matter how mature you are in your faith, you will always need to feed your soul on the Word of God. Here at Daniel Fusco Ministries, we […]

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Do You Feel Loved? 💛

“If you ask just about any non-Christian whether they feel loved by Christians, the answer will almost always be ‘no.’ Even a kid can change that if they choose to obey when God calls them to act.” Every week, we get to talk to so many of you on the phone, and it’s amazing to […]

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The Problem With Thanksgiving 🦃

If you guys have been watching the Real Show or following Daniel Fusco Ministries for very long, then I can almost guarantee you’ve heard me talking about my all-Italian family from New Jersey…they’re crazy…and I love them! And if you know anything about Italians, you know we love to eat!! So as you can imagine, […]

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Who Sets the Agenda? 🇺🇸

I know this season of our lives is technically over (for now), but these two words still strike fear and trepidation in many of our hearts…Know what they are? “Midterm Elections.” I know, I know. Terrifying, right? And guys — that was just last week! In all seriousness, I love the fact we live in […]

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A Wake Up Call 📞

“I have truly had a spiritual awakening…I am praising Jesus with everything I have in me!” No matter how far we’ve run from God, when He steps in to save us, sometimes crazy things happen! Crazy things happened when God decided to put His hand on Bridget’s life. She called to tell us about it. […]

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