Start Really Living Now!

A friend once told me, “When you worry to cease to exist.” Now, I realize that’s a crazy statement…or like something Yoda would say, or you might find in a fortune cookie. But when you stop to think about it, you’ll figure out what my friend said is actually so true. Here’s why: when we […]

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Instead of Judging, Do THIS! 👉🏽

Have you ever noticed just how much of life feels like a competition? It’s like we all abide by unspoken measures of ranking one another….There’s comment sections at the end of every news article, and most of the comments are negative. Many of us criticize others for trying to do things—anything from Olympic sports to […]

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Make Your Life Beautiful

Beauty changes the world. I know, I know…That sounds a little weird coming from a hairy Italian guy from Jersey. But if you stop to think about it, it’s totally true… Think about the number of times you’ve been confronted by something truly “ugly” in life. I’m talking about the moments where you come face-to-face […]

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Find Your True Strength in 2020

As we enter 2020, tons of us are making New Year’s resolutions that involve going to the gym…but as a dad of three kids, my weekly job includes carrying toys that are too heavy for my kids and reaching things that are too high for my kids. Now, as a guy who’s not super strong […]

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What To Do With Your Worries

Today I want to talk about something I hear people say in church a lot… “Leave everything you’re going through at the door, and just come to Jesus.” Now, whether you’ve gone to church and heard this said, or you’ve never been to church but you feel like you have to ditch your baggage before […]

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